Engineering Design

CMM has a complete staff of engineers in Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, & Structural disciplines.
We are pleased to be able to provide the following ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING services for our clients:
- New equipment installation design including load, conduit, & wiring
- Substation design/redesign and installation
- Arc flash assessment
- Interior & exterior lighting design
We are pleased to be able to provide the following MECHANICAL ENGINEERING services for our clients.
Forensic Engineering including:
- Failure analysis
- ANSYS analysis of component life
- Redesign of components to improve life cycle
Piping Systems Engineering Services:
- Process Piping
- Plant steam system design and redesign
- High-pressure hydraulic piping design
Inspection Services:
- Inspection of plant infrastructure structures/components
- Inspection of plant building structures
- Inspection of plant equipment structures/frames/components
- API certified storage tank inspections, visual and UT services
- Pressure vessels visual and UT inspection services
- Piping systems inspection services
- Lifting devices inspection services
Custom lifting devices engineering services.

When you’re having a bad day or just need some help with a project or solution CMM STRUCTURAL:

- Industrial & Commercial Buildings
- Dynamic & Static Equipment
- Tanks & Utilities
- Retaining Structures
- Modifications, Additions, and Reinforcement of Existing